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Tuesday Open Carving Gatherings

Our open carving gatherings meet each Tuesday of the month from 1:00p to 4:00p. These gatherings are small and more of a social gathering where we carve together and help one another as we carve on our personal projects. Since the gathering is very informal, you are welcome to come and go at any time. The Tuesday gatherings will be held in the Master Gardener's Building in Fiddlers Grove unless otherwise announced in an email to members. There may be occasions when that building is rented out for an event and we will need to move to a member's shop. See the paragraph below for information on Fiddlers Grove and click here for additional maps and directions. If you would like to receive updates and information from the club, click on the "Contact Us" button and ask to be put on our email distribution list. You will then receive updated information on club meetings and other happenings on a weekly basis.

Monthly Meeting

We have our full membership meeting on the second Saturday of each month from 9:00am to Noon at the Town Hall in Fiddlers Grove, Lebanon, TN. Fiddlers Grove is located on the grounds of the James E. Ward Agricultural Center in Lebanon. If you use the following address, your GPS will take you to the Ag Center: 945 E Baddour Pkwy, Lebanon, TN 37087. From there, use the map below to find Fiddlers Grove and the Town Hall. Note: The Town Hall is located behind the Veterans Building which is labeled VFW Post 5015 on Google maps. Click here for additional maps and directions.

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