About Us
The Fiddler's Grove Woodcarvers is a club dedicated to fellowship, education, and community service for anyone interested in woodcarving. We always welcome new members at any skill level from beginner to expert so, if you are the least bit interested in woodcarving, we encourage you to consider joining our club. Our members have interest in all styles of woodcarving such as caricature carving, relief carving, chip carving, animal carving, cottonwood bark carving, etc. (click on the "Gallery" button above to see samples of member carvings). We also welcome others with related skills such as pyrography (wood burning) and other forms of artistry in wood. We are not only diverse in woodcarving styles and skills but also diverse in age, gender, experience, and in other artistic interests. Regardless of your area of interest or skill level, we sincerely encourage you to stop by one of our meetings to meet the woodcarvers in the club to "talk shop". Woodcarving is a great hobby and as we like to say, it keeps us busy and off the streets at night! We hope you stop by one of our meetings soon.
The Details
Who: Anyone of any skill level from first-time-carver to seasoned carver is welcome to join the club. All you need is an interest in learning more about woodcarving and the fellowship derived from others with similar interests.
What: We typically have a short business meeting each month where we discuss upcoming carving events, community service projects, member show and tell, share and compare woodcarving techniques, and we also have time to carve and help others with their carvings. For community service, we typically participate in the Wilson County Fair as Fiddlers Grove artisans, the Oktoberfest sponsored by Wilson County Bank, and a variety of fests and fairs in Granville, TN.
When: We have a full membership meeting on the second Saturday of the month from 9:00am to noon. In addition, we have open carving gatherings on Tuesdays from 1:00p to 4:00p that are held at the Master Gardener's Building in Fiddlers Grove or a member's shop, on a rotating basis. If you are interested in attending one of these gatherings click on the "Contact Us" button and we will email you the places where we will meet. The open carving gatherings are small and more social in nature where we carve together and help one another as we carve on our personal projects.
Where: The monthly full membership meeting is held at the Town Hall in Fiddlers Grove located in Lebanon, TN. Fiddlers Grove is a historic re-creation of a typical early village when people lived in a one-room log cabin. It is located on the grounds of the James E. Ward Agricultural Center in Lebanon, TN. Click here for directions to the Ag Center, the Town Hall and the Master Gardener's Building.
Why: The club exists to encourage and promote the art of woodcarving and related skills as a hobby and to socialize with folks who have similar interests. Even if you have never carved something in your life, our club may be for you. We all had to start "somewhere" and we believe our club might be that "somewhere" for you.
How: Just stop by one of our meetings and meet the members. If you are a first time carver, we suggest that you don't purchase any tools until you talk to us. We have all spent good money on useless tools and we can guide you on what tools to purchase and the best retail outlets to get them hopefully saving you money in the process. If you would like to receive updates and information from the club, click on the "Contact Us" button and ask to be put on our email distribution list. You will then receive updated information on club meetings and other happenings on a weekly basis.